28 Juli 2009

Ad Server Solutions Enterprise Version Released

Submitted by adserver7199

Ad Server Solutions http://www.adserversolutions.com has released Enterprise versions of its ad management, ad network, banner exchange, affiliate software and affiliate network software for Windows, Linux and Unix servers. Api's, source codes, installation services and programming services are available. Hosted solutions are also available for all of our solutions through our sister site Ad Serving Solutions http://www.adservingsolutions.com

This next generation Enterprise platform has been completed from ground up over the last year. Substantial enhancements of our core technology and innovation have also been updated and overhauled. We provide turn key solutions from start to finish which allow you to personally start making money today easily and affordable. If you run a website you must monetize revenue by generating traffic and selling ad space, which are done through ad management and affiliate program solutions.

This release is a major update that enhances our products on many levels. This version includes many customer requested enhancements. Enterprise versions deliver a much more scalable platform that gives the customer the power to maximize revenue, streamline processes, and lower operating costs. The enhanced capabilities provide a robust and scalable architecture designed for performance and reliability. Multi server deployment, connection pooling, load balancing, unique statistic logic, remote concepts, memory based queue and server clustering are just a few of the many enhancements in the Enterprise versions.

Enterprise versions add the tools necessary to manage, integrate and track large scale web sites using ad management and affiliate management programs. Customers love the flexibility in managing affiliates, advertisers, real time sales, tracking and commissions reporting together with integrated email management for communications. Our goal has always been to provide our customers flexible tools to manage their advertising and affiliate relationships in a manner unique to their business model.

Internet advertising is quickly becoming the most common method of marketing. As this shift to marketing online continues, website owners will continue to seek methods to monetize their revenue. Ad Server Solutions Enterprise versions were developed to be highly scalable to provide web site owners a wide variety of tools to inventory, manage, distribute, buy and sell content targeted advertising, contextual advertising and 3rd party ad network advertising on their own. Publishers will be able to create their own niche advertising networks and affiliate networks with revenue sharing agreements that meet both the network's needs, and those of their publishers and advertisers.

Ad Server Solutions Advertising Integration Opportunities: From websites, blogs, xml feeds, mobile, podcasts to social media and everything in between. Do you have widgets, applications, videos, games or other media driven opportunities you would like to generate ad revenue from? We can work with you to incorporate the ability to serve ads to these mediums using our solutions so you can start generating advertising revenue. Transform applications into hard working revenue generators today.
Ad Server Solutions http://www.adserversolutions.com
Provider of Ad Management & Affiliate software solutions and hosted services.
Advanced targeting, detailed statistics, real time reporting and support for Rich media Ads. Free lifetime feature support and software updates.

Conduct Meaningful Opinion Surveys

Submitted by limalan88
Mon, 27 Jul 2009

The reason why organisations opt for the method of opinion surveys is to gauge the reactions of the relevant market that will be impacted. The purpose is two-fold, for one it makes the consumer market aware of a change that may come about and makes them ready to choose an alternative in case the change has to be made. For example, there may be a decision to force income earners to pay towards a national fund to take care of war veterans. This is likely to receive mixed reactions that will come out in the opinion survey and also make the participants aware that such a step is under consideration.

Qualifying for surveys

Clearly, if the company is paying you to fill a survey form, it will require that you meet the required respondent profile. When you fill in your details, avoid trying to match the expectations since your data will be checked against a database before the payment is made to you. If the survey is checking for senior citizens responses to policy decisions, an effort by a younger person to pass off as somebody in the category of senior citizens can be easily found out on the basis of the information provided. Earn through opinion surveys by entering those for which you qualify.

Providing feedback

Some surveys use a mix of open and close ended alongside multi-choice questions. There is a possibility that you receive a call to clarify your stand on a certain point. This may happen because some questions seem ambiguous and therefore open to multiple interpretations. The method chosen for the survey may involve a telephonic conversation with the respondent. Whatever the route, it is useful to provide honest feedback in opinion surveys. Avoiding honesty since it makes it possible to track you down defeats the purpose of taking the survey altogether. If you are not up to date with a particular situation, educate yourself and take a stand.

Be serious

Earning through opinion surveys is a serious job and must be viewed in that manner. If you are repeatedly found to provide vague or contradictory answers, you will find it difficult to continue in this area. Agencies will try to estimate the number of real respondents and weed out the ones who are trying to earn without providing useful information. Analysis of your answers will reveal any casualness in your effort to fill the form. The section that allows free flow answers reveals the extent of your knowledge and information of the subject for which you are providing your views.

Earning potential

Is it possible to run a family on the earnings you make through opinion surveys? This depends on your speed in answering surveys and also you qualifying for the surveys that appear in the course of a time period. The amount of earning per survey varies. It is better to gauge the earning potential through this activity by undertaking it for a few months as a source of supplementary income. This will help you make a realistic assessment before you take the move.

25 Juni 2009

The Shot Heard Around the World: Google's Endorsement of "Get Google Ads Free!"

Submitted by gmangin

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for various publications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area.

I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionals at WebBusinessSecrets.com whose flagship product is entitled "Get Google Ads Free."

In April of 2007 "Get Google Ads Free" was launched, and the effect was nothing less than equal to "the shot heard around the world!"

Within just weeks people everywhere were talking about it, and other top-notch online marketers were scurrying to sell it as an Affiliate for the company.

But here's a little insight that 99.9% of everyone the world over doesn't know:

The Product's greatest endorser is none other than Google itself!

That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problem with the course that reveals how anyone can get ads on their search engine for Free!

Now, at this point I know you must be curious as to how such a thing is possible, as Google gets its M0NEY from the sale of both AdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters allow Google to show their ads on their pages).

One might think that any information that revealed how an advertiser could get their AdWords pay-per-clicks free would be damaging to Google, and therefore Google would not want anyone finding out about it, right?

WRONG! It seems that the secret system developed by the retired native New York doctor contains an interesting "twist" that while allowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does not reduce a single D0LLAR in AdWords revenue for Google.

In fact, just the opposite!

I cannot give away the secret here because that's why it's available in the first place.

But I can tell you that with the application of what's inside "Get Google Ads Free" that:

- Google loses NO money
- Google actually can produce even more M0NEY!
- Advertisers gain an instant almost unfair advantage over anyone
not knowing what's inside "Get Google Ads Free!"
- Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competition!
- Advertisers are not at risk any longer as their advertising
budgets N0 longer matter!

Wow! And this is just the beginning!

Now, where's the definitive PROOF that Google endorses the amazing system shown in "Get Google Ads Free?"

I asked this question to company spokesperson and Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin, to which he responded:


"We started our launch like we always do with any product online,
using Google AdWords to offer our Product.

"We used keywords that contained the word 'free' so we
anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any
campaign using them to experience.

"But when our campaign was paused by Google for a tad more time
than what we regularly anticipated, then we got concerned.

"I actually placed a call directly to Google at 1-866-2-GOOGLE
and spoke at length with a customer services rep who said she'd
check into what was happening.

"She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to
the specific nature of the Product in question (i.e., the ebook
"Get Google Ads Free!") their team at Google secured the
product, read it all the way trough, and then realizing it would
NOT hurt their *revenue* but actually increase it, they
immediately un-paused and resumed our ads"


Amazing! They actually got what amounts to a Signed Certificate of APPROVAL from Google itself!

Therefore, anyone who questions the truth or legality concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" need not fret at all.

Yet, the usual "naysayers" seemed to ignore the obvious fact that if Google had a problem with "Get Google Ads Free!" then we all wouldn't be seeing all the PPC ads at Google each time we type in the keywords and phrases:

- free ads
- free advertising
- "Get Google Ads Free"
- free ppc
- free adwords

And so forth!

Yet, there are many very stubborn, even foolish, among us ...

> The "Crybaby Syndrome < To be fair, I must also inform you of those who seem to be out to get the company for sharing their amazing secret with the world. In what seems nothing more than a ploy to get attention, a UK online firm operated by two "wanna-be" law students have a Blog that talks the usual trash about the Product. The Blog's owner, Rob Scott, talks a big game by claiming the secret system to be nothing short of a scam! He even recklessly throws around the potentially libelous phrase ".con (Ooops, I meant .com)" as an attempt at childish humor in order to bash the firm's name. What's shocking is that this individual is actually a student of law (at least that's what he claims) so one would think that he should perhaps check out the facts before proceeding with such careless remarks. After all, he admits severally that he "never even ordered the ebook" so how could he truly know one way or the other if it was a valid system - not to mention it is assumed he's at least reasonably intelligent since (according to him) he got into law school, that he would be able to see for himself the firm's Affiliates' ads all over Google, and therefore reason that Google itself is perhaps the firm's chief supporter. But stubbornness abounds, I suppose. Ironically Rob says that the only reason he attacks the firm is because "it's a no brainer that this must be a scam," and he got "tired of seeing all those little AdSense ads on his page that people kept clicking on" (which by the way only stood to get him lots of M0NEY!) -- yet he accepts D0NATIONS on his site as a poor, struggling law student in need of paying for his education, and rather than legitimately earn an INC0ME from AdSense with an APPROVED Product. Sadly, Rob actually censors most of his Blog so that others who wish to post POSITIVES concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" can't even do so. (*But what would you expect from a "wanna-be" lawyer?) He even posts what appears to be an actual response by the firm's lawyer, but which is perhaps nothing more than his own posts disguised and designed to make himself look better (as anyone can see that the dialogue appears "manufactured" instead of genuine). What some people will do to project themselves as "Savior to the rest of us" and "The People's Advocate." How ridiculous indeed. Despite the "crybaby" from across the pond, Rob Snot (Ooops! I must have meant "Rob Scott!") has failed miserably to put even a dent in the firm's sales! Plus, traffic is on the rise shooting up from an average of 14,OOO visitors daily to now well above 2O,OOO visitors daily (a jump of 42% in daily traffic alone! -- Keep up the good work, Rob!!) Anyway, don't be dissuaded in your decision to build your online business by eliminating your Google AdWords costs, as the course "Get Google Ads Free!" not only reveals precisely how you can do this, but it goes 10 steps further by giving you all kinds of other amazing strategies I can't even begin to allude to here. Plus, the e-Course comes with countless resources that go far beyond the usual variety of instantly-clickable extra values! Lastly never forget that even though quite elderly now, Dr Jon Cohen has even set new records finishing ahead of himself by now having: - Grossed over $4OO Million in revenues!! - and SAVED over $1OO Million in Google advertising costs!! - attained a personal wealth above $8O million ...all due to his own system! *NOTE: Rob Scott is broke and demands D0NATIONS! (Ha!) Talk about putting your M0NEY where your mouth is!! So if you'd like to get in on all the action, then go grab this amazing "BREAKTHROUGH" for yourself only at: ~~~> http://freegoogle.net/
As one very famous Internet Marketer said it best:

"This is a weapon that should be in every Internet and Affiliate
Marketer's arsenal and library!"

Get it directly from the good doctor himself!

Online Marketing – Depends on stats!

Submitted by moreforeu
Gone are the days when you threw as much as you could at the wall hoping for something to stick or you position your Meta data and keywords in their rightful places and hope for the best, let’s start thinking a little bit beyond the stale old marketing techniques and start embracing the new online world. The quicker you do it and understand it the quicker you’ll get to where you need to be. Some might say you’ve already missed the boat? Most companies are still nowhere near where they need to be in terms of technology, skills and knowledge so you still have time.
Let’s look at things in a simplistic manner, would you go out and buy a new Mini without test driving it first? Read a review or two? Listen to a mate who raves about how good his Mini is? No of course not, because you want to know that you’re not wasting your money and let’s be honest there’s obviously a few spare Minis out there at the moment so you’re bound to pick up a bargain.
Spending money on marketing always represents a gamble however marketing online represents far less of a gamble as you can test and measure. Test and measure! It makes everything a lot clearer.
Online Marketing needs to be embraced and if you haven’t yet fear not, there is still the window of opportunity. Many company who basically was bragging that they had x amount of traffic to their site and x amount of back links which was true, however where this company failed in the online spectrum was the analytics and measuring part of equation.

Online Marketing – Depends on stats!

Submitted by moreforeu

Gone are the days when you threw as much as you could at the wall hoping for something to stick or you position your Meta data and keywords in their rightful places and hope for the best, let’s start thinking a little bit beyond the stale old marketing techniques and start embracing the new online world. The quicker you do it and understand it the quicker you’ll get to where you need to be. Some might say you’ve already missed the boat? Most companies are still nowhere near where they need to be in terms of technology, skills and knowledge so you still have time.
Let’s look at things in a simplistic manner, would you go out and buy a new Mini without test driving it first? Read a review or two? Listen to a mate who raves about how good his Mini is? No of course not, because you want to know that you’re not wasting your money and let’s be honest there’s obviously a few spare Minis out there at the moment so you’re bound to pick up a bargain.
Spending money on marketing always represents a gamble however marketing online represents far less of a gamble as you can test and measure. Test and measure! It makes everything a lot clearer.
Online Marketing needs to be embraced and if you haven’t yet fear not, there is still the window of opportunity. Many company who basically was bragging that they had x amount of traffic to their site and x amount of back links which was true, however where this company failed in the online spectrum was the analytics and measuring part of equation.

24 Juni 2009

Google Adwords Tips and Tricks 2009-00-367

Submitted by jesse grant

With Google Adwords it is all about getting results and this can be done by fine tunning and optimizing your account. You want to be optimizing your campaigns and at the same time finding the perfect placement and getting low bids for your keywords. Below is some Google Adwords Tips so that you can hopefully optimize a campaign that is bringing in a good return of investment.

Identify your Goals

Some goals to start off with once you have some campaigns up and running are; Focus on your keywords and Ad placements, Focus and test the quality of your Ad Copy, Then you can test your landing page to make sure it is relevant to your ad and giving your visitors exactly what they expected from clicking on your ad.
Keep Things Organized

You will want to Organize your campaigns by Topics or Offers. Be sure that you target the right locations and languages for your offers. Create specific offers for your ad groups within your campaigns, This way you can target these ad groups more specifically and change the ads to meet the criteria or keywords you have in the ad group. Never duplicate your keywords, you would be basically be competing against yourself.
Choose Relevant Keywords and Placements

Choose your keywords carefully. Don't be scared to go after long tailed keyphrases because they don't have much monthly search volumne, these keyphrases are probably alot cheaper per click and the visitor is likely farther along in the buying process which means higher ROI. Make use of the keyword matching options. Chose your ads placements carefully , whether it be on the sponsored search (these ads are on the right hand side when you do a Google search) or on the content network (these ads appear on websites related to your ad copy, you can also select the sites you wish you ads to appear on as Google has a tool within your Adwords account to do so).
Create Straightforward Ads

Make sure you put keywords in your ad copy, the Title of your ad is very important to get a couple keywords in there. This shows the users browsing that your ad is relevant to something they are searching for already and Google also bolds the keywords which stand out more. Make your ads simple but informative, make sure you tell of any discounts or features that may catch your audiences attention. Create a good call to action so it triggers your audience to make a decision, some call to actions are; buy , sell, order, sign up etc etc . Lastly you are going to want to test different ad variations within different ad groups to see what ads are performing better within these different groups of keywords.
Optimize your Websites Conversions

Be sure to have your visitors arriving on the proper landinge page that is relevant to your ad copy, remember they took an action by clicking your ad for a reason. There is no point having an ad copy about blue smurfs then having your visitors arrive on a page about care bears or inspector gadget. You like those analogies eh? :P . Next your going to want to test the content on your landing pages to make sure it is effective, this can increase your conversions. Google offers a free tool to test your content called the Website Optimizer , which is completely free. Make sure your landing pages are attractive and easy to navigate to your visitors , also remember to make your calls to action stick out as people are not as bright as you are :P, even consider making a couple calls to action. Is is very important to keep your users experience in mind when creating your ads and landing pages, remember the ultimate goal is getting in their head as they are the ones taking the action. This includes not adding popups or popunders to your landing pages like your promoting Clickbank offers, and you always want your audience to be able to take that action to purchase within 3 clicks.
Track your Account Performance

Check your account Statistics, things like CTR, keyword status and first page bid estimates are a good indicators of how well your ads performance is. Monitoring things like impressions, CTR, average CPC or CPM, cost, average position, conversion rate, and cost-per-conversion are a great way at making decisions to better your ads performance. Be sure to also create reports on your campaigns and make use of Google Analytics to get the most information you possibly can about your visitors.
Test and Modify your Campaigns

Evaluate your ads performance and make necessary changes and if this isn't working try changing things up like your calls to action or bidding options.
Free Marketing Help

7 easy tips to increase your online sales

Submitted by alfitness

If ‘selling' is in your blood, you will instinctively know how to attract customers, create desire and convince your visitors to purchase your products. You will even know how to get into the head of first-time buyers and turn them into faithful and returning customers.

Of course, not everyone is born a salesman, and for the want-to-bes it may be a little tougher to understand and convert all the key concepts into sales. Finding out what works and what does not may indeed be a bit of a challenge, but with a few helpful strategy tips and conviction, that obstacle should be easy to tackle.

1. Affiliate marketing and strategic associates.
Picture a store in your neighborhood. You know exactly where it is located, how to get there and you even know the manager's name. Every week when the flyers come in the mail, you notice that particular store's many ads. You enjoy reading about their sales, specials, contests and new products, and if they went into business with another partner, or opened up another branch.

Being visible and creating awareness are key elements to the success of an online business, and instead advertising in flyers, magazines and pamphlets, you will have to develop other marketing techniques to ‘spread the word.'

Once you know your audience, start with online networking. Try trading with product related sites for ad space on their site. They place a link to your shop on their site and vice versa. Of course make sure that their products relate to yours - e.g. someone buying a tractor is probably not going to be interested in baby clothes, while an expecting mother will most likely not be thinking about starting a farm.

If you have an established business and money is not an issue, you can also pay to have your links to your business listed on more powerful e-commerce markets and directories. In addition, you can also get noticed by submitting editorials and blogs to ezine publishers and article banks.

2. Frequently test your site - broken links can cost you sales.
It has happened to the best of us. We're at the store and need a specific item. We ask the clerk for directions and he points to aisle 7. We get there, search for a few minutes, can't find that breakfast cereal we love, and finally leave.

To successfully manage an online store you have to pay as much attention to detail and customer service as in the conventional world. Take the time to frequently test all links and features. If a link to your check out or payment page is broken, you might be missing out on a sale!

3. Promotional frenzy works miracles
How many times has it happened that you threw out yet another pizza place flyer? It keeps coming back week after week, you hear their ads on the radio and when you went to the fair last week, one of their bakers even handed you a coupon. You may not like being bombarded constantly, but in the end, you will be thankful for the reminders when it's late and you need a bite to eat.

Working magic on the Web is no different. Use every possible sales channel, including phone orders, mail-order catalogues, and discount offers emailed to your customers. Use every Internet tool available to you, including social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter if possible. Even if it is not business related, still mark every email you send out with your URL. You never know when the recipient may need another TV, medical supplies or inflatable toys. If you are lucky, he or she will remember you.
When sending out your products brand your return address, packing paper and tape, shopping bags, shipping boxes, business cards and stationary with your URL - make sure it is readable and bold. It may catch the delivery boy or mailman's attention too. If you attend conferences and trade shows, don't forget to mark all your promotional materials and your booth's signage and banner with your website's URL.

4. The importance of a domain name.
Don't miss an opportunity if you can afford it and register variants and misspellings of your domain name. Customers who type in your web address wrong will still be able to find you. It may cost you a few hundred dollars now, but if one of those bad spellers still ends up on your site - instead of with the competition - and spends a few thousand dollars on a huge order, who will be laughing then

5. The personal touch.
It is safe to say that most people like personal attention. Everyone wants to feel special and appreciated. During a business transaction merchants should tap into this desire and create a special bond between him and his customer. The attention will create a trust that will relax the customer, who will then be more inclined to buy. Although this is more difficult to accomplish on a website, don't overlook opportunities to treat your customers well, such as greeting them by name when they return, remembering their preferences, and offering to keep their shipping information on file.

6. Be honest and descriptive.
When composing your product or service descriptions try to be as complete and sincere as possible. If a dress needs dry cleaning, do not hint that it is machine washable. It will only create disappointment and the customer will not come back.
Adding quality pictures to introduce products is almost a must. Try to show an item from different angles, and enlarged, if possible, and check that the images are clear and the colors match the item.

7. Set attractive delivery policies.
The advantages of Internet shopping for buyers include that they can easily and quickly compare products and prices. That also includes shipping charges. Many merchants will debate if "free" shipping charges will boost sales or not, and so far, no ‘golden rule' has been written. Someone has to pay the delivery fee, and if it is not the customer, then you, the merchant has to somehow work the expense into your product cost, driving up the price.

8. Offer advanced services.
Offering your goods and services is only part of your business dealings. You also have to provide excellent customer service and explain all of your policies. Will you promise100% money-back guarantees, with no strings attached? Will you replace damaged goods? Do you offer free samples? What is your shipping time? Do you offer loyalty club points, contests and discounts?
These are just a few of the questions you will need answered before taking the plunge into the expanding world of e-commerce. Good luck is always welcome, but good planning is more reliable in the long run!

9. Have an SEO campaign
Seo will drive qualified traffic to your website. Before people buy they will first research the net to see what is the best product or service. SEO will have you ranking highly on the search engines. If you rank highly for the keywords they are typing in, they will assume that you are an authority website.

How does Google Page Rank Work?

Submitted by alfitness

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) there are many factors which need to taken into consideration to achieve desired outcomes. These are often categorised as either on-page or off-page factors. Things that influence on-page factors include title tags, meta descriptions and web page copy. The most significant off-page factors relate to linking and the number and quality of web pages that link to yours. Each search engine uses it's own method for determining the value and weighting of incoming links

Google uses a proprietary, trademarked algorithm called PageRank to assign a numerical value to every page of every website that it's search engine indexes. This algorithm was first published by Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the late 90s. While the algorithm continues to be modified, the priciples at it's core remain the same. PageRank considers linking structure only when evaluating web pages. Neither site design, content or the URL are taken into consideration at all.

PageRank can be considered as a vast voting system where links are the votes. To link to a website is to effectively vote for it in Google's eyes. It's democratic - but not completely as not all links are created equal. The value of a particular link is determined by its own PageRank so for example, five links from pages with a very low PageRank might be worth less than a single link from a high ranking page.

In terms of an internal site structure, it makes sense to link all of your internal pages to one page - usually the home page as it is most likely the subject of your SEO activities and also the most visible page. While focusing on channelling PageRank to your strongest pages, it's also important to ensure that these pages not do not in turn pass their PageRank on to external pages. Google introduced the nofollow HTML attribute for just this purpose.

The nofollow attribute was also introduced to combat negative seo practices such as repeatedly posting links back to a particular website on message boards. This practice along with "black hat" SEO techniques such as link farming, keyword stuffing, hidden text and link stuffing saw a marked reduction in the relevance of search results in the mid 90s. Much of Google's success can be attributed to it's development of search algorithms like Pagerank which were able to ignore or penalise black hat techniques.

While Pagerank is a powerful and robust algorithm, it can be argued that it is limited by the fact that it favours old sites (which have had time to build/generate links) over new sites which may have better content. The other half of Google's search technology, Hypertext-Matching Analysisis designed to address this shortcoming and generate relevant search results by analysing web page content.

Google Adsense Is A Pay Per Click Program

Submitted by MA SERVE

If you're publishing a website that serves a particular topic, you can earn an income from your web pages by subscribing under Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is a pay per click (PPC) program. Upon registering an account, this PPC program will give you a code which you are supposed to include on your web pages. This code will allow ads that will be flashed on your web pages. Every single time a visitor of yours clicks on an ad, you will earn a corresponding amount. This is the reason why a pay per click is called, well, a pay per click program. For more details go to www.thegoogleincome.com .The amount you'll earn per click may be ridiculously small, but if your web pages are visited by thousands of web users per day, you can potentially earn a fortune from this online business model. Let's say a click of an ad is worth a measly 1cent per click, for example. Then, if you can drive 2,000 visitors to your web pages daily and only 500 or so of them can provide the clicks you need on the ads displayed on your website, you can earn $5 on a daily basis.

And we're just talking about one website. Imagine if you operate 20 websites that can generate just as much visitors and just as much clicks? You can earn an easy and passive $100 daily!

What guarantees do you have that visitors will click on the displayed ads? Here's the deal, Google Adsense forwards contextually relevant ads to your web pages. This is why when a web page tackles the topic of diabetes, the ads that will be displayed on the web page will be about diabetes care, diabetes avoidance, diabetes relief and the similar fields. Indeed, you can be sure that people who get to visit that particular web page will likewise be interested with the ads that will appear. To know more about it login to www.yourgoogleincome.com In this day and age, many internet users are webmasters as well. They may own the ordinary kind of websites, or maybe they own online journals like blogs. They may be registered under their own domain name and are powered by professional web hosting services, or they may be sharing a domain name as well as be hosted under a free service.

Despite these things, and so far as they are not serving a subject matter made illegal by the PPC program's terms and conditions, they can implement the Google Adsense ad so that such web pages can start becoming a viable online business opportunity.

08 Juni 2009

Cara Membuat Review Untuk Paid Review

Tidak semua blogger mempunyai kemampuan menulis artikel bahasa Inggris dengan bagus (termasuk saya, heheheh), karena memang menjadi blogger tidak disyaratkan demikian, jadi sudah lazim dan harap dimaklumi. Di sisi lain ada kebutuhan untuk mendulang dolar dari bisnis paid review dibutuhkan artikel yang berbahasa Inggris.
Sebenarnya masalahnya mudah kalau semua diserahkan pada ahlinya, namun disisi lain anda harus membagi dolar untuk translator tersebut, wah kayaknya akan berkurang banyak tuh dolar anda. Bagaimana solusi dari masalah ini ya? OK jangan buru-buru berputus asa karena akan ada paparan untuk menemukan kiat jitu menulis review bahasa Inggris.

Setelah berkehendak untuk membeli domain berpagerank, memperhatikan tips untuk membelinya, melakukan cek validitas pageranknya, recek backlinknya, melakukan transaksi pembelian doamain, mempersiapkan content, melakukan promosi blog maka anda sudah memiliki blog dengan pagerank bagus, minimal 3. Selanjutnya anda mendaftarkan untuk bisnis paid review, apabila pendaftaran anda diterima maka anda agan mendapatkan job review.

Job review tersebut segera anda eksekusi untuk mendapatkan aliran dolar masuk ke akon paypal anda. Untuk membuat review seperti keinginan pemilik job maka silahkan anda buat dengan bahasa Indonesia saja. Namun sebelumnya anda bias melakukan proses seperti berikuti ini:

Identifikasi bahan dan tema terkait review.

Misalnya anda mendapatkan job untuk mereview salah satu tipe televisi maka lakukan perburuan bahan melalui:

1. Blog lain, gunakan search engine Google, ketik topik yang dimaksud maka akan anda dapatkan blog lain yang telah mengupas tema itu.
2. Article Directory, gunakan search engine Google ketikan “free articles”, maka akan muncul artikel bebas yang bagus. Sesuaikan topik yang sesuai pada indeks misalkan technology.

Pengolahan bahan review.
Jika anda telah mendapatkan 4-5 buah bahan penulisan maka lakukan pencuplikan bagian-bagian penting dan menariknya sehinga bias menyambung dan saling melengkapi. Lakukan edit secukupnya, sehingga menjadi artikel baru yang menarik. Perlu diingat untuk mengunakan tata bahasa baku bahasa Indonesia. Pasrtkan tidak ada penulisan yang salah, misalnya kurang satu huruf, dll.

Finishing membuat Review
Tahapan akhirnya adalah silahkan anda gunakan tool penerjemah dari google (Google Translate) Buka browser dan cari URL-nyaa. Copy paste artikel anda yang telah selesai pada kotak. Lantas set bahasa dibawah kotak dari Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris. Maka sudah selesai review anda.

Apabila artikel yang anda terjemahkan penulisanya sudah betul dan sesuai bahasa Indonesia baku, umumnya ditemukan sedikit kesalahan saja. Cara untuk mengetahui kesalahan penulisan tersebut dengan, copy hasil dan paste di MS Word. Lantas blok seluruhnya, lalu silahkan klik ‘’Tools’’-‘’Spelling and Grammar’’. Jika ada kesalahan akan muncul cetakan tebal dan di bawahnya tertulis penulisan yang benar.

Dengan cara yang sama, anda bisa juga mengecek jumlah kata dari review anda sebagaimana diinginkan advertiser melalui menu ‘’Word count”. Di job yang diberikan pada anda bias diketahu berapa kata yang mereka inginkan, dan sebagai “tukang” kita harus menuruti juragan. Demikian tips singkat blogger senayan dan semoga manfaat (Sha 5 W).

sumberber : www.ekonurhuda

02 Juni 2009

The Shot Heard Around the World: Google's Endorsement of "Get Google Ads Free!"

Submitted by gmangin

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for various publications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area.

I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionals at WebBusinessSecrets.com whose flagship product is entitled "Get Google Ads Free."

In April of 2007 "Get Google Ads Free" was launched, and the effect was nothing less than equal to "the shot heard around the world!"

Within just weeks people everywhere were talking about it, and other top-notch online marketers were scurrying to sell it as an Affiliate for the company.

But here's a little insight that 99.9% of everyone the world over doesn't know:

The Product's greatest endorser is none other than Google itself!

That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problem with the course that reveals how anyone can get ads on their search engine for Free!

Now, at this point I know you must be curious as to how such a thing is possible, as Google gets its M0NEY from the sale of both AdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters allow Google to show their ads on their pages).

One might think that any information that revealed how an advertiser could get their AdWords pay-per-clicks free would be damaging to Google, and therefore Google would not want anyone finding out about it, right?

WRONG! It seems that the secret system developed by the retired native New York doctor contains an interesting "twist" that while allowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does not reduce a single D0LLAR in AdWords revenue for Google.

In fact, just the opposite!

I cannot give away the secret here because that's why it's available in the first place.

But I can tell you that with the application of what's inside "Get Google Ads Free" that:

- Google loses NO money
- Google actually can produce even more M0NEY!
- Advertisers gain an instant almost unfair advantage over anyone
not knowing what's inside "Get Google Ads Free!"
- Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competition!
- Advertisers are not at risk any longer as their advertising
budgets N0 longer matter!

Wow! And this is just the beginning!

Now, where's the definitive PROOF that Google endorses the amazing system shown in "Get Google Ads Free?"

I asked this question to company spokesperson and Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin, to which he responded:


"We started our launch like we always do with any product online,
using Google AdWords to offer our Product.

"We used keywords that contained the word 'free' so we
anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any
campaign using them to experience.

"But when our campaign was paused by Google for a tad more time
than what we regularly anticipated, then we got concerned.

"I actually placed a call directly to Google at 1-866-2-GOOGLE
and spoke at length with a customer services rep who said she'd
check into what was happening.

"She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to
the specific nature of the Product in question (i.e., the ebook
"Get Google Ads Free!") their team at Google secured the
product, read it all the way trough, and then realizing it would
NOT hurt their *revenue* but actually increase it, they
immediately un-paused and resumed our ads"


Amazing! They actually got what amounts to a Signed Certificate of APPROVAL from Google itself!

Therefore, anyone who questions the truth or legality concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" need not fret at all.

Yet, the usual "naysayers" seemed to ignore the obvious fact that if Google had a problem with "Get Google Ads Free!" then we all wouldn't be seeing all the PPC ads at Google each time we type in the keywords and phrases:

- free ads
- free advertising
- "Get Google Ads Free"
- free ppc
- free adwords

And so forth!

Yet, there are many very stubborn, even foolish, among us ...

> The "Crybaby Syndrome < To be fair, I must also inform you of those who seem to be out to get the company for sharing their amazing secret with the world. In what seems nothing more than a ploy to get attention, a UK online firm operated by two "wanna-be" law students have a Blog that talks the usual trash about the Product. The Blog's owner, Rob Scott, talks a big game by claiming the secret system to be nothing short of a scam! He even recklessly throws around the potentially libelous phrase ".con (Ooops, I meant .com)" as an attempt at childish humor in order to bash the firm's name. What's shocking is that this individual is actually a student of law (at least that's what he claims) so one would think that he should perhaps check out the facts before proceeding with such careless remarks. After all, he admits severally that he "never even ordered the ebook" so how could he truly know one way or the other if it was a valid system - not to mention it is assumed he's at least reasonably intelligent since (according to him) he got into law school, that he would be able to see for himself the firm's Affiliates' ads all over Google, and therefore reason that Google itself is perhaps the firm's chief supporter. But stubbornness abounds, I suppose. Ironically Rob says that the only reason he attacks the firm is because "it's a no brainer that this must be a scam," and he got "tired of seeing all those little AdSense ads on his page that people kept clicking on" (which by the way only stood to get him lots of M0NEY!) -- yet he accepts D0NATIONS on his site as a poor, struggling law student in need of paying for his education, and rather than legitimately earn an INC0ME from AdSense with an APPROVED Product. Sadly, Rob actually censors most of his Blog so that others who wish to post POSITIVES concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" can't even do so. (*But what would you expect from a "wanna-be" lawyer?) He even posts what appears to be an actual response by the firm's lawyer, but which is perhaps nothing more than his own posts disguised and designed to make himself look better (as anyone can see that the dialogue appears "manufactured" instead of genuine). What some people will do to project themselves as "Savior to the rest of us" and "The People's Advocate." How ridiculous indeed. Despite the "crybaby" from across the pond, Rob Snot (Ooops! I must have meant "Rob Scott!") has failed miserably to put even a dent in the firm's sales! Plus, traffic is on the rise shooting up from an average of 14,OOO visitors daily to now well above 2O,OOO visitors daily (a jump of 42% in daily traffic alone! -- Keep up the good work, Rob!!) Anyway, don't be dissuaded in your decision to build your online business by eliminating your Google AdWords costs, as the course "Get Google Ads Free!" not only reveals precisely how you can do this, but it goes 10 steps further by giving you all kinds of other amazing strategies I can't even begin to allude to here. Plus, the e-Course comes with countless resources that go far beyond the usual variety of instantly-clickable extra values! Lastly never forget that even though quite elderly now, Dr Jon Cohen has even set new records finishing ahead of himself by now having: - Grossed over $4OO Million in revenues!! - and SAVED over $1OO Million in Google advertising costs!! - attained a personal wealth above $8O million ...all due to his own system! *NOTE: Rob Scott is broke and demands D0NATIONS! (Ha!) Talk about putting your M0NEY where your mouth is!! So if you'd like to get in on all the action, then go grab this amazing "BREAKTHROUGH" for yourself only at: ~~~> http://freegoogle.net/
As one very famous Internet Marketer said it best:

"This is a weapon that should be in every Internet and Affiliate
Marketer's arsenal and library!"

Get it directly from the good doctor himself!

Ppc Advertising - It's Not Just About Making Sales

Submitted by James Woolley

Many website owners and online businesses use pay-per-click-advertising to promote their products and services but it should be pointed out that this advertising medium is not always about making direct sales. There are other ways in which you can use PPC advertising to bring you long-term profits.

It's perfectly natural to send search engine traffic directly to your sales page for your products so they can quickly see what you have to offer and make a decision there and then whether to buy your product or not. However if they decide not to buy your products then you have potentially lost that customer forever because they may never come across your website again.
This is why a lot of people adopt other methods in order to make a more dependable long-term income stream. The easiest and most common way of doing this is by building an email list of potential prospects.

Once you have your own email list, you can then send these people marketing messages which promote your products and sell them on why they should buy your products. As you can imagine this greatly increases the chances of making a sale and is generally a lot better than just sending PPC traffic directly to your product pages where they then have to make a snap decision.

So it's often a good idea to send people to a landing page which contains a prominent opt-in form and ideally a motivation to subscribe to your list. So you generally need to provide a good quality free gift whether it's a free report, or an ebook, or maybe even a sample of your product if it's a physical product. The key point is that it must be compelling enough to make as many people opt in to your email list as possible because you can then sell your products to them later down the line.

You could even send them to your product page immediately after they opt in to your list. This is a very popular strategy because you get the best of both worlds, ie you have an email subscriber and you get the chance to promote your product straight after they have opted in.

The decision to promote an opt-in landing page directly through PPC advertising is of course up to you, but if you decide not to and just send them to your product page, then you should at least have an opt-in form on this page so you can capture your visitors' details and promote your products to them at a later date. Email marketing is a very popular and profitable way of promoting your products and is arguably the best way to generate consistent long-term profits, so it shouldn't be ignored.

30 Mei 2009

Recehan Blogger : Mengenal Apa Itu Paid Review


Paid Review adalah sebuah Program Pengiklanan terbayar yang berbantuk tulisan lepas atau resensi produk/website yang freelance dari seorang Blogger yang dibayar oleh advertiser. Dalam paid review ada beberapa unsur yang berhubungan intim dengan beliau. Hubungan intim antara paid review antara lain.

Blogger : Blogger adalah seorang publisher yang mempunyai website yang memenuhi kreteria dari Broker dan advertiser untuk mempromosikan iklan yang didapankan dari Broker yang berbentuk Tulisan/Artikel yang biasanya memiliki persyaratan 200 s/d 300 Karakter.

Advertiser : advertiser disini adalah seorang pengiklan yang dimana menawarkan produk dan website mereka untuk diiklankan pada website blogger dan memberikan bayaran yang sepadan dengan statistik blog si blogger melalui Broker.

Broker : broker disini seperti orang kedua yang menjadi penghubung antara Blogger dan advertiser untuk melakukan transaksi pengiklanan review. Biasanya Broker ini berbentuk sebuah website.

Keunggulan Paid Review Dari Program Pengiklanan Lain.

1. Cukup dengan keahlian kita berbahasa inggris atau mengolahnya kita mendapatkan nominal yang besar dibandingkan dengan program-program pengiklan lainnya. Harga dari paid review ini pada saat sebelum krisis global hamper mencapai sekitar $20 - $50 sedangkan pada saat krisis global harganya jauh menurun sekitar $5-$20.
2. Cukup mengerjakan sekali dan hasilnya langsung bisa terlihat beda dengan program periklanan sebangsa Adsense yang dimana Blogger akan mendapatkan komisi apa bila Iklan Adsense di klik oleh pengunjung dan nominalnya terbilang kecil.
3. Cukup dengan waktu sekitar 30 Menit saja kita sudah bisa menghasilkan bayaran nominal yang besar
4. Tidak diharuskannya blog dipenuhi dengan pengunjung yang berlimpah

Demikian sekilas mengenai apa itu paid review semoga artikel ini dapar berguna bagi sahabat-sahabat blogger yang baru ingin memulai mencari recehan dollar di dunia blogging. Blogging For Freedom Bro :D

Keyword, Paid Review, Make Money Online, Pendulang Dollar, Bisnis Internet, Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Blogger, Lowongan Kerja Terbaru, Adsense, Cara Mendapat Uang Di Internet, Internet Marketing, Money Marketing, Marketing Online, Money Blogger
Posted By Health Benefits of Natural to BIREUEN - CYBER CITY at 5/17/2009 12:33:00 PM

Bermain Paid Review Lokal bersama ReviewMu

by: Ardian

Mungkin kalau kamu sudah cukup lama berkecimpung di dunia Paid Review, kamu pasti pernah dengar desas-desus tentang akan hadirnya Paid Review Lokal. Bisnis Online Lokal memang semakin berkembang akhir-akhir ini. Hal itu di buktikan dengan munculnya berbagai macam PPC Lokal dan juga PTC Lokal. Nah, kali ini CosaAranda sang Netpreneur asal kota Surabaya ini telah menghadirkan Paid Review Lokal yang bernama ReviewMu (ref). Btw, namanya hampir sama dengan ReviewMe ya :D Kembali ke topik, ReviewMu merupakan tempat dimana Blogger dan Advertiser bertemu, sesuai dengan Tagline mereka yaitu “Tempat blogger dan advertiser bertemu”.

Bagi kamu baik pemain lama maupun pendatang baru di bisnis online, khususnya bisnis Paid Review, ga ada salahnya untuk ikutan meramaikan bisnis Paid Review Lokal ini :D Persyaratan-nya cukup mudah, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Blog yang di daftarkan bebas meskipun menggunakan jasa pihak ketiga seperti Blogger, Blogsome, dll. Atau bisa juga pakai domain dan hosting pribadi.
2. Blog tidak harus memiliki PageRank dan AlexaRank yang tinggi
3. Penulisan (pengerjaan) Review menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia :D

Untuk syarat-syarat baik teknis maupun non-teknis lainnya silakan kamu liat di sini

Untuk nilai job-nya sendiri rata-rata adalah Rp. 10.000 Lho, kok pakai rupiah ? Ya iyalah masa ya iya donk, duren aja di belah masa di bedong. Wkwwk. Mata uang yang di gunakan memang Rupiah (Rp.) karena memang pasar yang di tuju adalah pasar lokal, jadi menggunakan mata uang Rupiah untuk keperluan transaksinya. Untuk minimum payout (gajiannya) adalah Rp. 100.000 dan pengiriman payout dilakukan via transfer bank tiap tanggal 10, untuk sementara ini bank-bank nasional yang bisa di gunakan untuk menerima payout adalah Bank Mandiri, Bank BCA, dan Bank Niaga. Jika dari ketiga Bank tersebut kamu tidak memiliki rekening di sana, saranku sih cepetan buka rekening baru aja di sana :D Itung-itung sambil belajar nabung lah :)

Aku sendiri sebagai salah satu BETA Tester-nya, aku merasa ReviewMu udah sangat memuaskan. Selain itu sebelum di launching ke publik, ReviewMu telah melakukan banyak sekali perbaikan-perbaikan baik dalam hal teknis maupun non teknis. Duit-ku (saldo) yang sudah terkumpul di ReviewMu sendiri masih tergolong kecil, bahkan bisa di bilang kecil banget yaitu berjumlah Rp. 15.000 Mungkin aku masih kurang maksimal aja dalam ambil job dari sana. Nah, kalau kamu memiliki blog berbahasa Indonesia dan ingin ikutan berbisnis Paid Review tanpa harus pusing memikirkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu yang pas-pasan, aku rasa ReviewMu adalah pilihan yang tepat deh :D Jika kamu berminat untuk bergabung dengan ReviewMu - Paid Review Lokal ini, silakan klik banner di bawah ini ya :D Maaf ada kode referal-nya, soalnya sekalian cari rejeki :D

Apa Itu Paid to Review (PTR) ?

by : ardian

Paid to Review (PTR) adalah sebuah program bisnis Internet dimana kita sebagai Blogger di wajibkan untuk menulis Review tentang produk / website / apa saja sesuai dengan keinginan sang Advertiser (pengiklan). Nah, klo kamu punya blog sendiri dan udah punya Google PageRank, kenapa ga kamu coba aja ikutan bisnis PTR ini. Hasilnya lumayan lho, daripada blog kamu nganggur ga pernah di update tulisannya, mendingan kamu ikutkan bisnis PTR ini. Untuk dapat mengikuti bisnis PTR ini paling tidak kamu harus memiliki sebuah Blog dan minimal sudah memiliki PageRank 2, lalu klo bisa blog kamu harus berbahasa Inggris, soalnya kebanyakan Broker PTR hanya menerima Blog yang berbahasa Inggris (walaupun beberapa Broker bisa menerima Blog berbahasa Indonesia) . Setelah memenuhi kriteria tadi, maka yang harus kamu lakukan selanjutnya adalah mendaftar ke Broker-broker PTR. Ada banyak Broker PTR di Internet, beberapa di antaranya adalah : Blogsvertise, SponsoredReviews, Smorty, ReviewMe, dll.

Dalam setiap Review biasanya kita di bayar antara $2 - $500, tergantung nilai Blog kita. Soalnya semakin tinggi PageRank Blog kamu, maka semakin tinggi pula nilai sebuah Blog. Oh ya, dalam bisnis PTR ini nilai sebuah blog tidak hanya di tentukan oleh Google PageRank, namun beberapa Broker PTR juga melihat Alexa Rank, Technorati Rank, dan Link Popularity untuk menentukan nilai sebuah Blog. Untuk meningkatkan Alexa Rank, kamu bisa simak tipsnya di sini

Klo blog kamu berbahasa Indonesia aku saranin untuk ikutan sama SponsoredReviews, soalnya selain mereka menerima Blog yang berbahasa Indonesia kita juga dapat menentukan bayaran yang ingin kita terima. Kita bisa menentukan bayaran kita antara $5 - $500 per Reviewnya. Dan untuk Blog yang berbahasa Inggris kamu bisa ikutan dengan Blogsvertise, Smorty, ReviewMe, dan masih banyak lagi deh… Namun di sini kita ga’ bisa nentuin bayaran kita seperti di SponsoredReviews, jadi yang kita lakuin adalah menunggu sampai ada Advertiser (pengiklan) yang pengen di Review sama kita (ini yang bikin males :( )

Udah dulu ah artikelnya, kapan2 aku bakal bagi2 tips tentang bisnis PTR ini sama kamu, jadi tunggu aja ya :D Klo mau ikutan ama bisnis PTR ini kamu bisa daftar lewat link di atas tadi, beberapa ada yang pake referal aku :D

18 Mei 2009

Mendatangkan Traffic Dengan Vinefire

Sudah pernah mendengar Vinefire? Kalau belum, sini-sini saya mau cerita sedikit (dan kalau ternyata banyak, nggak apa-apa kan?).

Dalam promonya, Vinefire mengatakan, bahwa bila kita join, kita akan langsung mendapat bonus USD 10 (seratus ribuan rupiah cuman buat join lho, siapa yang nggak ngiler?). Setelah itu, bila kita mengklik link-link yang mereka tampilkan, kita juga akan dibayar sekitar USD 0,90 (teteuuup aja ini bikin ngiler). Kalau kita mem-post/share link kita sendiri, kita juga akan dibayar. Memberi vote pada link orang lain, juga dibayar. Selain itu, mereferensikan Vinefire ke orang lain, juga dibayar! (mesti nyiapin lap yang banyak kalau ngomongin Vinefire).

Tapi… mereka bilang, pembayaran akan dilakukan 31 Januari 2010! (silahkan kaget dan langsung pesimis atau menghujat bahwa Vinefire adalah program bohongan/scam). Kalau saya mahal punya pendapat lain :D *yang mata duitan seperti saya, silahkan terus membaca*

Oke, saya nggak peduli apakah Vinefire itu scam atau bukan. Toh ketika saya bergabung di sana, saya tak perlu modal apa-apa (jadi saya tak perlu takut rugi kan?), yang pasti kalau ternyata Januari 2010 besok Vinefire terbukti membayar, saya nggak perlu gigit jari. Haha.

Yang jelas, ternyata Vinefire bisa saya gunakan untuk menjaring traffic ke link yang saya posting, misalnya ke blog-blog saya, atau ke link generated yang saya buat.

Nah, yang paling menguntungkan itu kalau saya posting generated link. Eh tau kan apa itu generated link? Itu lho… semacam LinkBucks atau LinkPayer. Di mana kita akan dibayar untuk setiap klik pada link yang sudah kita ubah/generate.

Jadi, misalnya saya punya link http://ardifa.dagdigdug.com, link itu bisa saya generate menjadi http://6362b1cc.linkbucks.com. Setiap ada orang meng-klik link hasil generated, saya akan dibayar. Kenapa? Karena di link generated itu ada sisipan iklan yang akan dibaca oleh pengunjung/orang yang mengklik. Memang sih, harga kliknya murah, hanya USD 1/2000 klik. Tapi, tahu nggak, dengan mempost link ke Vinefire, dalam satu menit saja, sudah ada puluhan klik!

Haha. Ternyata program yang diduga scam, bisa menguntungkan juga :D

Ada yang mau ikutan iseng seperti saya? Silahkan mendaftar link-generated di LinkBucks atau LinkPayer (disediakan USD 5 gratis kalau Anda bergabung), setelah itu daftarkan diri Anda di Vinefire.

17 Mei 2009

Recehan Blogger : Mengenal Apa Itu Paid Review

Paid Review adalah sebuah Program Pengiklanan terbayar yang berbantuk tulisan lepas atau resensi produk/website yang freelance dari seorang Blogger yang dibayar oleh advertiser. Dalam paid review ada beberapa unsur yang berhubungan intim dengan beliau. Hubungan intim antara paid review antara lain.

Blogger : Blogger adalah seorang publisher yang mempunyai website yang memenuhi kreteria dari Broker dan advertiser untuk mempromosikan iklan yang didapankan dari Broker yang berbentuk Tulisan/Artikel yang biasanya memiliki persyaratan 200 s/d 300 Karakter.

Advertiser : advertiser disini adalah seorang pengiklan yang dimana menawarkan produk dan website mereka untuk diiklankan pada website blogger dan memberikan bayaran yang sepadan dengan statistik blog si blogger melalui Broker.

Broker : broker disini seperti orang kedua yang menjadi penghubung antara Blogger dan advertiser untuk melakukan transaksi pengiklanan review. Biasanya Broker ini berbentuk sebuah website.

Keunggulan Paid Review Dari Program Pengiklanan Lain.

1. Cukup dengan keahlian kita berbahasa inggris atau mengolahnya kita mendapatkan nominal yang besar dibandingkan dengan program-program pengiklan lainnya. Harga dari paid review ini pada saat sebelum krisis global hamper mencapai sekitar $20 - $50 sedangkan pada saat krisis global harganya jauh menurun sekitar $5-$20.
2. Cukup mengerjakan sekali dan hasilnya langsung bisa terlihat beda dengan program periklanan sebangsa Adsense yang dimana Blogger akan mendapatkan komisi apa bila Iklan Adsense di klik oleh pengunjung dan nominalnya terbilang kecil.
3. Cukup dengan waktu sekitar 30 Menit saja kita sudah bisa menghasilkan bayaran nominal yang besar
4. Tidak diharuskannya blog dipenuhi dengan pengunjung yang berlimpah

Demikian sekilas mengenai apa itu paid review semoga artikel ini dapar berguna bagi sahabat-sahabat blogger yang baru ingin memulai mencari recehan dollar di dunia blogging. Blogging For Freedom Bro :D

Keyword, Paid Review, Make Money Online, Pendulang Dollar, Bisnis Internet, Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Blogger, Lowongan Kerja Terbaru, Adsense, Cara Mendapat Uang Di Internet, Internet Marketing, Money Marketing, Marketing Online, Money Blogger

Seminggu 35 Dollar : Reviewme Menjawabnya

Program Paid review sekarang ini sangat digemari oleh para Blogger yang mencari recehan di dunia internet dan tidak sedikit blogger sudah mendapatkan uang kertas berdollar yang dominalnya sangat besar bila di bandingkan dengan gaji perbulan pegawai kantoran. yah ini saya akan berbagi sedikit bagaimana internet memang itu bisa memberikan tambahan kehidupan bagi penggunanya. pada awal ngeblog tahun pertama saya tidak pernah menyentuh make money online dalam dunia internet. yang saya lakukan hanya belajar berbagi dalam dunia blogging. setelah melihat beberapa punggawa blogger master yang memang sudah berpenghasilan bersar dari dunia online ini saya pun mulai tertarik.

dengan berbekal blog seadanya saya memulai Make Money Online ini dengan santai tapi serius :D. dari beberapa program terbayar yang saya ikuti saya terfokus pada Reviewme untuk sementara ini. karena blog-blog saya belum ada yang ber PR. tetapi dalam seminggu saja Reviewme sudah memberikan saya penghasilan $35 nilai yang cukup lumayan lah untuk pemula make money online seperti saya.

Dari melihat ini sekiranya Santai tapi serius akan lebih baik menjalani bisnis sampingan yang menjanjikan ini :D. Mau tau lebih banyak mengenai Paid Review, Make Money Online, Pendulang Dollar, Bisnis Internet, Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja Blogger, Lowongan Kerja Terbaru, Adsense, Cara Mendapat Uang Di Internet, Internet Marketing, Money Marketing, Marketing Online, Money Blogger Jangan Lupa Berlangganan di Ahmadmaulana.com Gratis. Daftar Disini

sumber: ahmadmaulana.com

Media Komunitas Blog dan Bloger Indonesia

Sumber : sejutaweb.com

Ada sebuah informasi bagus untuk Anda para blogger Indonesia. Sebuah komunitas blog dan blogger telah hadir siap melayani kebutuhan Anda akan sebuah media direktori untuk menemukan blog dan blogger Indonesia. PlanetBlog merupakan media komunitas wajib para blogger untuk mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan blog kepada dunia bahwa Anda memiliki blog yang layak diperhitungkan.

Adanya blog saat ini memang fenomena yang tidak dapat dibendung keberadaannya. Blog sebagai media bebas independen saat ini bisa bersaing dengan media offline bahkan media online lainnya sebagai salah satu informasi yang bermanfaat. Adanya blog membuat banyak orang berlomba-lomba untuk membuatnya, mulai dari blog iseng-iseng hingga blog serius yang berorientasi pada bisnis online.

Berbagai macam media dan perangkat lunak khusus blog tersedia bahkan sebagian besar bersifat gratis. Anda bisa memilih aplikasi seperti Wordpress, Blogger (Blogspot), TypePad, Live Journal dan lain sebagainya. Apapun yang Anda pilih PlanetBlog akan menjembatani keberadaan blog Anda pada dunia.

PlanetBlog memiliki banyak keuntungan untuk para blogger khususnya Indonesia, dimana mereka bisa menempatkan blog-nya pada komunitas yang sesuai dengan jenis blog-nya masing-masing. Setiap orang dapat bergabung secara gratis tanpa dipungut biaya kecuali untuk Layanan BlogSpot dari mereka. Dimana Layanan BlogSpot adalah fitur berbayar yang akan menempatkan blog Anda dihalaman utama mereka. Biayanya juga tidak mahal cukup 30 ribu rupiah perbulan Anda sudah dapat bergabung dengan layanan tersebut.
Direktori Blog Indonesia

Anda cukup berbekal nama, email, dan password saat pertama kali mendaftar, lakukan konfirmasi segera via e-mail dan keanggotaan Anda langsug aktif. Apabila blog Anda sudah online sejak lama, maka Anda bisa langsung mendaftarkannya. Pilihlah sebuah kategori yang sesuai dengan blog lalu kirimkan, setiap blog yang didaftarkan wajib untuk diverifikasi karena hal ini untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap blog milik kamu.

Prosedur Konfirmasi

Proses ini sangat gampang dilakukan, langkah-langkahnya bisa Anda baca pada halaman bantuan mereka. Silakan tempatkan banner kecil pada halaman blog Anda, pastikan halaman tersebut adalah sama dengan URL yang Anda masukkan sebagai alamat blog. Lakukan verifikasi secara instan saat itu juga dan akan memakan waktu sekitar kurang dari 1 menit. Apabila Anda tidak atau belum memverifikasinya maka blog Anda hanya akan tampil pada fitur pencarian selama 7 (tujuh) hari saja setelah lewat masa waktu tersebut blog akan dihilangkan sementara. Saran terbaik saya adalah lakukan segera proses verifikasi ini karena blog Anda akan tampil selamanya.
Tingkatkan Trafik Pengunjung

PlanetBlog sangat ideal bagi Anda yang memiliki blog yang masih sepi pengunjung. Apalah gunanya punya blog tapi tidak memiliki pembaca, dengan adanya PlanetBlog tidak usah khawatir lagi karena apapun jenis blog Anda akan dengan sangat mudah bisa didaftarkan disana dan dapatkan pembaca baru blog kamu.

Berdiskusilah secara aktif dengan member atau blogger lain disana karena tersedia fasilitas forum diskusi yang akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda apabila Anda bertanya. Ketahuilah informasi terkini mengenai tips ngeblog dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas ngeblog lainnya di forum diskusi PlanetBlog.

Jadi tunggu apalagi? PlanetBlog akan menjadi sahabat saat kamu membutuhkan tempat untuk mempromosikan blog dan berdiskusi masalah blog kamu. Segera daftarkan blog Anda sekarang juga di komunitas blog Indonesia!.
Jika kamu suka dengan tulisan ini silakan berikan Responmu. Pantau terus perubahan dan lanjutan dari halaman blog ini dengan cara Berlangganan RSS.

Optimalisasi Image Menjadi SEO Penghasil Traffic

Bagaimana Mengoptimalisasi Image pada blog kita agar menghasilkan Traffic juga ? Pada arikel kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana mengoptimalisasi Imega menjadi mesin penghasil trafic yang dimana tidak melenceng juga dari Keterangan Image yang sebenarnya. Banyak SEO mengenai Optimalisasi Image ini menggunakan Image Lendir yang dimana Imagenya tidak mengena dengan Tema sebenarnya. Contohnya saja Pada Saat Saya Mengupload Image Pemandangan pada Judulnya saya memberikan Keterangan, Julia Perez Seksi, Julia Perez Telanjang Dada, Julia Perez Bugil, Julia Perez Telanjang.

Pada Sampel diatas kita memberikan keterangan pada gambar yang sebenarnya bukan gambar julia perez tetapi hanya image pemandangan tetapi kita menipu pencari berita dengan mengubah title image. Lalu bagaimana pada saat yang bersamaan Para pencari berita juga banyak mencari Image Pemandangan Ayoooo Nyeselkan loe.

Trus bagaimana kalau image tersebut kita buat aja dengan SEO Image two in one. Pencari image dapat mendapatkan Image pada saat mereka mencari Pemandangan dan Julia Perez Seksi, Julia Perez Telanjang Dada, Julia Perez Bugil, Julia Perez Telanjang. Bila menurut saya Title yang paling tepat untuk memberikan keterangan pada image yakni Pemandangan-Julia Perez Seksi, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Telanjang Dada, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Bugil, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Telanjang. Setelah itu bagaimana kita mengoptimalkan lagi agar Image ini bisa menjadi prioritas pada mesin pencari.

Beberapa Langka Untuk mengoptimalkan Image

1. Anda harus tahu Topik terhangat mengenai berita yang mengisukan mengenai Berita-berita Hot seputar Artis yang berskandal
2. Jangan mengupload File Image pada media penyipanan lain. Upload lah Image pada Blog anda sendiri (Server Hosting Blog)
3. Upayakan Meminimalisasikan Ukuran Image (Jangan terlalu besar)
4. Dahulukan Keterangan Utama Gambar setelah itu Keterangan Bayangan Contoh : Lokasi-Permandian-julia-perez-telanjang
5. Gunakan Plugin SEO untuk lebih mengoptimalkan Image

Semoga Bermanfaat
Keyword, SEO Image, Ilmu SEO, Rahasia SEO, Penghasil Trafic, SEO Plugin, Plugin Image, Julia Perez Seksi, Julia Perez Telanjang Dada, Julia Perez Bugil, Julia Perez Telanjang, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Seksi, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Telanjang Dada, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Bugil, Pemandangan-Julia Perez Telanjang

Pentingnya Sebuah Technorati Dalam Sebuah Blog

Apa sih Technorati ini ? mungkin Blogger-Blogger master sudah pada tau dengan Technorati dan mungkin sudah mengetahui Cara Kerja Technorati, Trik Meningkatkan Technorati. Technorati adalah salah satu disekian banyaknya Blog Direktory dan Blog Direktory Technorati ini adalah yang paling favorit dari kalangan Blogger.

Apakah Anda sudah mempunyai Technorati Profil ? atau masih mau tau lagi Bagaimana Technorati itu bekerja dan menilai Blog kita ?. Technorati ini hanya menerima Blog sebagai Membernya dan sistem Perhitungan Rank Technorati di tentukan dari banyaknya Blogger lain yang me-link Blog kita. Authority Technorati sebagai acuan rank dalam Technorati sendiri

Dalam beberapa penyedia layanan iklan terbayar menilai pembayaran dari Rank Technorati juga jadi Technorati disini mempunyai beberapa Fungsi ganda Baik sebagai Blog Direktory sebagai Penilaian dalam Make Money Online juga.

13 Mei 2009

How to Choose your SEO Company?

Submitted by analogik

[Top keywords = SEO, SITE, OPTIMIZATION 3.6% frequency. SEARCH, ENGINE 3%f / Lexical Density= 66.5%, Gunning-Fog 11.5% ]

SEO companies come in various skill levels, for the very best results from an SEO company it is wise to understand something about what search engine optimization is before deciding upon what service to use. Search engine optimization is not simply the act of adding keywords or phrases into a Web article or onto an internet site.

True SEO companies work with every aspect of written material on a Web site to reach specific goals in optimization. Each character, line, and link on the site is addressed through mathematical calculations and programs that allow the experts to see how the computerized search engine will be viewing the information that is presented to it.

Good SEO companies work on page word complexity factors, reading level indexes, link usage readings, and more. When a search engine reads an internet page or site for ranking, it is reading in math formulas that explain how important that page is in comparison to other choices.

Optimization experts control all rating areas on the Web site. The good optimization companies use techniques that are impossible for non-experts to imitate without technical training. Without the specialized programs and training available to understand how all elements on the Web site are interacting, search engine optimization efforts will fail.

While searching for the best SEO company to fit your needs, it is wise to pass-by those that only promise keyword and keyword phrasing services. Real SEO goes beyond simple keyword usage. The best company to choose will be the one that is offering a full range of specialized services.

Video Spokesperson – Making Breakthrough Improvements In Online Marketing Methods

Submitted by michaelrussell56

Online Marketing has just been blessed with an exciting new method for increasing their effectiveness and reach. Basically, it deals with renting some of your webpage space and your imagination to a digitized announcer or salesperson who takes you through the site features and offerings. With just a little bit of changes in the existing webpage model, one can easily incorporate a website video spokesperson for your site marketing sake.

Its Attention Grabbing

An online spokesperson is extremely effective in grabbing the customers attention by adding a unique personal touch and virtual reality to your webpage. This feature gives your business an edge over your competitors by raising a sense of excitement in the viewers which makes them come back again and again. The ambience and feel of these video spokespeople can be suited to all kinds of content, thereby increasing your marketing strategy effectiveness and return on investment.

Add Thrill and Excitement to Your Website

Boring and plain websites are no more effective in today dynamic environment. Virtual spokespersons add a sense of excitement and thrill to your website. This helps in attracting more customers and hence, more business. These customers are interested in learning more about your site offerings from your website video spokesperson.

A website spokesperson acts as an online assistant taking care of our marketing strategy. It helps in boosting our customer base by capturing their heart as well as attention. The spokesperson message can be modified and personalized the way we want it to be. Amongst the various benefits that a spokesperson on website brings to the business, some of them are improved brand consciousness, enhancing the appeal of the site, increasing the product value and educating the customers. With such profitable returns on investment, video spokespeople will always remain an affordable marketing investment.

Innovation Sells

In today ever changing world, innovation is one of the primary tools for leading the competition. Virtual spokespersons are probably the most effective in making your website earn a high page ranking in search engines. They add an altogether new lease of life into your websites.

12 Mei 2009

Rangking Alexa Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Page Rank...Dustakah?

Konon menginstal toolbar alexa membantu situs kita cepat diindex google . Sy pernah membaca pengalaman blogger cepat terindex google. Pengalaman dia membuktikan hubungan toolbar alexa dgn google. Pada suatu hari dia baru saja memulai blog baru. Walau blog baru punya satu posting, Hello world, googlebot sudah berkunjung. Hal ini luar biasa karena setelah dianalisa ternyata blog baru itu sama sekali tidak punya link inbound maupun outbound . Namanya juga blog baru lahir.
GoogleBot, sang Bot Google

Secara teori SEO, peristiwa indexing itu mustahil. Sesuai panduan resmi google dinyatakan googlebot bekerja mengikuti link. Tidak ada yg namanya random link ataupun random indexing. Setiap situs yg bisa dicari pd search engine itu harus dijelajahi googlebot terlebih dahulu.

Sementara, seperti orang buta, robot spider ini didesain mengikuti tautan link semata. Menurut prinsip SEO, bila sebuah website tidak memiliki link rujukan dari situs lain maka googlebot tdk bisa berkunjung ke sana karena dia tidak tau lokasi domain website tsb. Jadi bagaimana mungkin website tanpa link eksternal bisa diindex ?

Setelah berpikir keras, dia curiga anomali index ini disebabkan toolbar alexa pada browser internet explorer yg dimilikinya. Padahal secara teori (lagi), toolbar itu berfungsi sebagai alat bantu pengguna browser dan bukannya pengundang spider google. Namun tampaknya logis bila google menggunakan informasi Alexa bagi sistem ranking dan index database mereka.
Rangking Alexa Scam ?

Biasanya Toolbar Alexa tidak berguna bagi kebanyakan pengguna. Pengguna awam jarang sekali menyadari potensi pemanfaatnya. Potensi itu bisa membantu mempercepat blog baru terdaftar di database search engine google dan yahoo. Memang pemanfaatan yg hendak sy ajarkan itu mirip penipuan / scam hehehe. Modus penipuan itu berhasil dikarenakan tidak adanya verifikasi kebenaran total traffik website. Singkat cerita, rangking Alexa itu bogus !

Misalnya, kita punya blog baru seperti contoh kasus blogger barusan. Dia memiliki blog yg belum memiliki inbound maupun outbound. Secara statistik, rangking alexa blog blogger itu masih “no data”. Namun dia bisa membuatnya meloncat ke posisi 300.000 dalam waktu satu bulan tanpa tehnik maupun konten segar.

Caranya dengan mengupdate dan browsing blog dia sendiri, setiap hari dan setiap saat. Berkat adanya toolbar Alexa, browser kita bisa menjadi sumber traffik sekalipun hanya kita sendiri saja yg berkunjung ke blog tsb. Not a fancy technique, but effective .
Nielsen Rating dan Black Hat SEO Tool

Bila kamu ingat dengan perusahaan Nielsen, yg terkenal dengan rating Nielsen. Maka kamu akan menyadari bahwa proses penghitungan rangking televisi mirip dengan Toolbar Alexa. Setiap televisi yg jadi sampel akan dibekali satu set Nielsen Box. Seperti meteran parkir, gadget nielsen ini akan menghitung berapa lama acara televisi ditonton.

Memiliki Alexa Tool bar yg ter-install itu seperti gadget Nielsen, hanya saja data yg dikumpulkan itu berbasis kebiasaan surfing internet kita. Data terkumpul nanti meentukan website mana yg populer sekaligus rekomendasi apakah situs tersebut pantas berada pada posisi 10 besar SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

2 Alasan di atas memberi alasan bagi saya segera menginstall. Sy ingin menyaksikan angka rangking alexa internet itu meroket cepat. Kita tau (asumsi) kalau Google rutin mengindex website alexa dan memanfaatkan informasi yg diindex spider / robot alexa terlebih dahulu . Bila search engine tersibuk, google, sudah mempercayai data alexa, maka bisa diartikan Yahoo dan MSN juga mencari data ke sana juga. Oleh karenanya, Toolbar ini bisa menjadi Black Hat SEO tool. Walau bukan tool yg canggih tapi effisien.
Sisi Gelap Alexa dan Google Pagerank

Bagi kebanyakan orang, rangking alexa dan Google PR adalah pertimbangan utama saat memikirkan link exchange atau pertukaran link. Sejujurnya sy mengerti logika dan cara berpikir ini. Keduanya memang penting sekaligus omong kosong.

Rangking alexa bisa diakali dan Pagerank tidak berguna saat kita hendak memasarkan produk atau jasa. Saya sering mendengar cerita blog PR 3 yg cuma dikunjungi 20 orang setiap hari. Bila dikali 30 hari jadi 600 orang per bulan. Lalu setahun menjadi 7200 orang. Sekilas angka 7 ribu setahun itu besar, yah . Tapi percayalah, ada ratusan ribu blog yg dikunjungi minimal 7 ribu orang dalam sehari. So, fuck them both (baik alexa maupun pagerank) ! Traffik pengunjung adalah lebih vital dari keduanya.

Sy tidak pernah mengerti mengapa alexa bisa menjadi benchmark, standar, atau pertanda sebuah situs itu hebat atau tidak. Padahal rangking itu sering kali tida akurat. Mungkin ini diseabkan mereka sudah mengindex internet sejak lama. Sy juga tidak tau mengapa banyak webmaster / pekerja web, yg menjadikan rangking alexa sebagai patokan progress. Mungkin karena Rating Alexa ini lebih mudah dimanipulasi dibandingkan pagerank.
Lovely Tiny Url of this post: http://tinyurl.com/canxy9

01 Mei 2009

Internet Marketing Tidak Bisa Tanpa Modal

Subject Internet Marketing Tidak Bisa Tanpa Modal ini saya tulis setelah kemarin saya main-main ke Yahoo Answer Indonesia dan menemukan seseorang yang bertanya konyol. Mengapa konyol karena Yahoo Answers Indonesia tidak memperbolehkan pertanyaan yang tercium sebagai “iklan” hehe..

Pertanyaannya begini: Mau bisnis tanpa modal? lalu dijawab sendiri. Dulu saya juga pernah begitu, karena belum tau. Sekarang tidak lagi, karena sudah faham :)

Ok kita kembali ke judul Internet Marketing Tanpa Modal ini.

Setiap usaha, termasuk usaha internet marketing pasti perlu modal yang sangat besar kok. Memang benar, mungkin modal uangnya kecil, atau bisa jadi 0. Tetapi jika modal uangnya kecil maka perlu modal lainnya yang besar, misalnya modal gigih, modal sering promosi, modal banyak member kalau merangkap pemain MLM online, modal nekad, modal rajin menulis, modal tenaga, modal keahlian, modal waktu yang banyak untuk mengerjakannya dan sebagainya. Termasuk juga modal dengkul.

Contohnya Kalo kita kerja gali sumur dan tak dibayar pasti marah-marah. Jadi tenaga itu sebenarnya juga mahal. Kalau dirupiahkan bisa jadi sehari minimal Rp50.000 misalnya. Menulis artikel dalam rangka menjalankan Internet Marketing Indonesia juga perlu tenaga, juga modal waktu, juga modal keseriusan yang tinggi.

Jadi kalau menjalankan internet marketing tanpa modal apapun: tanpa modal uang, tanpa modal tenaga, tanpa modal rajin iklan, tanpa modal ketrampilan, tanpa modal nekad, maka sudah pasti hasilnya akan GRATIS alias 0 atau tidak ada juga. hehe..

Sekarang saya akan bayar bisnis internet saya semahal-mahalnya. Mungkin bayar dengan uang, mungkin bayar dengan aktif melakukan publikasi, mungkin bayar dengan tenaga, kecerdasan, keuletan, dan sebaginya. Agar hasilnya lebih baik. Karena Menjalankan Internet Marketing memang tak bisa tanpa modal.

Best Regards