24 Juni 2009

Google Adwords Tips and Tricks 2009-00-367

Submitted by jesse grant

With Google Adwords it is all about getting results and this can be done by fine tunning and optimizing your account. You want to be optimizing your campaigns and at the same time finding the perfect placement and getting low bids for your keywords. Below is some Google Adwords Tips so that you can hopefully optimize a campaign that is bringing in a good return of investment.

Identify your Goals

Some goals to start off with once you have some campaigns up and running are; Focus on your keywords and Ad placements, Focus and test the quality of your Ad Copy, Then you can test your landing page to make sure it is relevant to your ad and giving your visitors exactly what they expected from clicking on your ad.
Keep Things Organized

You will want to Organize your campaigns by Topics or Offers. Be sure that you target the right locations and languages for your offers. Create specific offers for your ad groups within your campaigns, This way you can target these ad groups more specifically and change the ads to meet the criteria or keywords you have in the ad group. Never duplicate your keywords, you would be basically be competing against yourself.
Choose Relevant Keywords and Placements

Choose your keywords carefully. Don't be scared to go after long tailed keyphrases because they don't have much monthly search volumne, these keyphrases are probably alot cheaper per click and the visitor is likely farther along in the buying process which means higher ROI. Make use of the keyword matching options. Chose your ads placements carefully , whether it be on the sponsored search (these ads are on the right hand side when you do a Google search) or on the content network (these ads appear on websites related to your ad copy, you can also select the sites you wish you ads to appear on as Google has a tool within your Adwords account to do so).
Create Straightforward Ads

Make sure you put keywords in your ad copy, the Title of your ad is very important to get a couple keywords in there. This shows the users browsing that your ad is relevant to something they are searching for already and Google also bolds the keywords which stand out more. Make your ads simple but informative, make sure you tell of any discounts or features that may catch your audiences attention. Create a good call to action so it triggers your audience to make a decision, some call to actions are; buy , sell, order, sign up etc etc . Lastly you are going to want to test different ad variations within different ad groups to see what ads are performing better within these different groups of keywords.
Optimize your Websites Conversions

Be sure to have your visitors arriving on the proper landinge page that is relevant to your ad copy, remember they took an action by clicking your ad for a reason. There is no point having an ad copy about blue smurfs then having your visitors arrive on a page about care bears or inspector gadget. You like those analogies eh? :P . Next your going to want to test the content on your landing pages to make sure it is effective, this can increase your conversions. Google offers a free tool to test your content called the Website Optimizer , which is completely free. Make sure your landing pages are attractive and easy to navigate to your visitors , also remember to make your calls to action stick out as people are not as bright as you are :P, even consider making a couple calls to action. Is is very important to keep your users experience in mind when creating your ads and landing pages, remember the ultimate goal is getting in their head as they are the ones taking the action. This includes not adding popups or popunders to your landing pages like your promoting Clickbank offers, and you always want your audience to be able to take that action to purchase within 3 clicks.
Track your Account Performance

Check your account Statistics, things like CTR, keyword status and first page bid estimates are a good indicators of how well your ads performance is. Monitoring things like impressions, CTR, average CPC or CPM, cost, average position, conversion rate, and cost-per-conversion are a great way at making decisions to better your ads performance. Be sure to also create reports on your campaigns and make use of Google Analytics to get the most information you possibly can about your visitors.
Test and Modify your Campaigns

Evaluate your ads performance and make necessary changes and if this isn't working try changing things up like your calls to action or bidding options.
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7 easy tips to increase your online sales

Submitted by alfitness

If ‘selling' is in your blood, you will instinctively know how to attract customers, create desire and convince your visitors to purchase your products. You will even know how to get into the head of first-time buyers and turn them into faithful and returning customers.

Of course, not everyone is born a salesman, and for the want-to-bes it may be a little tougher to understand and convert all the key concepts into sales. Finding out what works and what does not may indeed be a bit of a challenge, but with a few helpful strategy tips and conviction, that obstacle should be easy to tackle.

1. Affiliate marketing and strategic associates.
Picture a store in your neighborhood. You know exactly where it is located, how to get there and you even know the manager's name. Every week when the flyers come in the mail, you notice that particular store's many ads. You enjoy reading about their sales, specials, contests and new products, and if they went into business with another partner, or opened up another branch.

Being visible and creating awareness are key elements to the success of an online business, and instead advertising in flyers, magazines and pamphlets, you will have to develop other marketing techniques to ‘spread the word.'

Once you know your audience, start with online networking. Try trading with product related sites for ad space on their site. They place a link to your shop on their site and vice versa. Of course make sure that their products relate to yours - e.g. someone buying a tractor is probably not going to be interested in baby clothes, while an expecting mother will most likely not be thinking about starting a farm.

If you have an established business and money is not an issue, you can also pay to have your links to your business listed on more powerful e-commerce markets and directories. In addition, you can also get noticed by submitting editorials and blogs to ezine publishers and article banks.

2. Frequently test your site - broken links can cost you sales.
It has happened to the best of us. We're at the store and need a specific item. We ask the clerk for directions and he points to aisle 7. We get there, search for a few minutes, can't find that breakfast cereal we love, and finally leave.

To successfully manage an online store you have to pay as much attention to detail and customer service as in the conventional world. Take the time to frequently test all links and features. If a link to your check out or payment page is broken, you might be missing out on a sale!

3. Promotional frenzy works miracles
How many times has it happened that you threw out yet another pizza place flyer? It keeps coming back week after week, you hear their ads on the radio and when you went to the fair last week, one of their bakers even handed you a coupon. You may not like being bombarded constantly, but in the end, you will be thankful for the reminders when it's late and you need a bite to eat.

Working magic on the Web is no different. Use every possible sales channel, including phone orders, mail-order catalogues, and discount offers emailed to your customers. Use every Internet tool available to you, including social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter if possible. Even if it is not business related, still mark every email you send out with your URL. You never know when the recipient may need another TV, medical supplies or inflatable toys. If you are lucky, he or she will remember you.
When sending out your products brand your return address, packing paper and tape, shopping bags, shipping boxes, business cards and stationary with your URL - make sure it is readable and bold. It may catch the delivery boy or mailman's attention too. If you attend conferences and trade shows, don't forget to mark all your promotional materials and your booth's signage and banner with your website's URL.

4. The importance of a domain name.
Don't miss an opportunity if you can afford it and register variants and misspellings of your domain name. Customers who type in your web address wrong will still be able to find you. It may cost you a few hundred dollars now, but if one of those bad spellers still ends up on your site - instead of with the competition - and spends a few thousand dollars on a huge order, who will be laughing then

5. The personal touch.
It is safe to say that most people like personal attention. Everyone wants to feel special and appreciated. During a business transaction merchants should tap into this desire and create a special bond between him and his customer. The attention will create a trust that will relax the customer, who will then be more inclined to buy. Although this is more difficult to accomplish on a website, don't overlook opportunities to treat your customers well, such as greeting them by name when they return, remembering their preferences, and offering to keep their shipping information on file.

6. Be honest and descriptive.
When composing your product or service descriptions try to be as complete and sincere as possible. If a dress needs dry cleaning, do not hint that it is machine washable. It will only create disappointment and the customer will not come back.
Adding quality pictures to introduce products is almost a must. Try to show an item from different angles, and enlarged, if possible, and check that the images are clear and the colors match the item.

7. Set attractive delivery policies.
The advantages of Internet shopping for buyers include that they can easily and quickly compare products and prices. That also includes shipping charges. Many merchants will debate if "free" shipping charges will boost sales or not, and so far, no ‘golden rule' has been written. Someone has to pay the delivery fee, and if it is not the customer, then you, the merchant has to somehow work the expense into your product cost, driving up the price.

8. Offer advanced services.
Offering your goods and services is only part of your business dealings. You also have to provide excellent customer service and explain all of your policies. Will you promise100% money-back guarantees, with no strings attached? Will you replace damaged goods? Do you offer free samples? What is your shipping time? Do you offer loyalty club points, contests and discounts?
These are just a few of the questions you will need answered before taking the plunge into the expanding world of e-commerce. Good luck is always welcome, but good planning is more reliable in the long run!

9. Have an SEO campaign
Seo will drive qualified traffic to your website. Before people buy they will first research the net to see what is the best product or service. SEO will have you ranking highly on the search engines. If you rank highly for the keywords they are typing in, they will assume that you are an authority website.

How does Google Page Rank Work?

Submitted by alfitness

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) there are many factors which need to taken into consideration to achieve desired outcomes. These are often categorised as either on-page or off-page factors. Things that influence on-page factors include title tags, meta descriptions and web page copy. The most significant off-page factors relate to linking and the number and quality of web pages that link to yours. Each search engine uses it's own method for determining the value and weighting of incoming links

Google uses a proprietary, trademarked algorithm called PageRank to assign a numerical value to every page of every website that it's search engine indexes. This algorithm was first published by Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the late 90s. While the algorithm continues to be modified, the priciples at it's core remain the same. PageRank considers linking structure only when evaluating web pages. Neither site design, content or the URL are taken into consideration at all.

PageRank can be considered as a vast voting system where links are the votes. To link to a website is to effectively vote for it in Google's eyes. It's democratic - but not completely as not all links are created equal. The value of a particular link is determined by its own PageRank so for example, five links from pages with a very low PageRank might be worth less than a single link from a high ranking page.

In terms of an internal site structure, it makes sense to link all of your internal pages to one page - usually the home page as it is most likely the subject of your SEO activities and also the most visible page. While focusing on channelling PageRank to your strongest pages, it's also important to ensure that these pages not do not in turn pass their PageRank on to external pages. Google introduced the nofollow HTML attribute for just this purpose.

The nofollow attribute was also introduced to combat negative seo practices such as repeatedly posting links back to a particular website on message boards. This practice along with "black hat" SEO techniques such as link farming, keyword stuffing, hidden text and link stuffing saw a marked reduction in the relevance of search results in the mid 90s. Much of Google's success can be attributed to it's development of search algorithms like Pagerank which were able to ignore or penalise black hat techniques.

While Pagerank is a powerful and robust algorithm, it can be argued that it is limited by the fact that it favours old sites (which have had time to build/generate links) over new sites which may have better content. The other half of Google's search technology, Hypertext-Matching Analysisis designed to address this shortcoming and generate relevant search results by analysing web page content.

Google Adsense Is A Pay Per Click Program

Submitted by MA SERVE

If you're publishing a website that serves a particular topic, you can earn an income from your web pages by subscribing under Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is a pay per click (PPC) program. Upon registering an account, this PPC program will give you a code which you are supposed to include on your web pages. This code will allow ads that will be flashed on your web pages. Every single time a visitor of yours clicks on an ad, you will earn a corresponding amount. This is the reason why a pay per click is called, well, a pay per click program. For more details go to www.thegoogleincome.com .The amount you'll earn per click may be ridiculously small, but if your web pages are visited by thousands of web users per day, you can potentially earn a fortune from this online business model. Let's say a click of an ad is worth a measly 1cent per click, for example. Then, if you can drive 2,000 visitors to your web pages daily and only 500 or so of them can provide the clicks you need on the ads displayed on your website, you can earn $5 on a daily basis.

And we're just talking about one website. Imagine if you operate 20 websites that can generate just as much visitors and just as much clicks? You can earn an easy and passive $100 daily!

What guarantees do you have that visitors will click on the displayed ads? Here's the deal, Google Adsense forwards contextually relevant ads to your web pages. This is why when a web page tackles the topic of diabetes, the ads that will be displayed on the web page will be about diabetes care, diabetes avoidance, diabetes relief and the similar fields. Indeed, you can be sure that people who get to visit that particular web page will likewise be interested with the ads that will appear. To know more about it login to www.yourgoogleincome.com In this day and age, many internet users are webmasters as well. They may own the ordinary kind of websites, or maybe they own online journals like blogs. They may be registered under their own domain name and are powered by professional web hosting services, or they may be sharing a domain name as well as be hosted under a free service.

Despite these things, and so far as they are not serving a subject matter made illegal by the PPC program's terms and conditions, they can implement the Google Adsense ad so that such web pages can start becoming a viable online business opportunity.